Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Just Dance

If you would have told me the day after we got Mira's Dandy Walker diagnosis that less than 2 years later she would be in dance class, I would have punched you in the face (sorry, I was pretty upset that day). Today we woke up early, ate a little breakfast, and put on our dance clothes. Mine may or may not have been yoga pants and a large shirt, no judging. The important part is that Mira's outfit involved a pink leotard. It was amazing.

We headed to the Chamberlain School of Ballet and enjoyed our first of many Wednesday mornings dancing around like maniacs (that may have just been me) with our friend Hallie (and her mama Kelly). Mira totally loved it (well, 3/4ths of it, she was tired and was ready for nap pretty quickly) and couldn't stop giggling about everything. It was awesome to see her not only enjoying herself and socializing, but doing something that I had convinced myself was something she would not be able to do anytime soon. This kid is a rockstar, I can't wait to see her continue to prove me wrong every day.

1 comment:

  1. she was the cutest! Thank you so much for coming with us! I still can't get over how amazing Mira is! We are so lucky to have her in our lives!
